August 08, 2005

Givin' It Up For Cindy

Cindy Sheehan's protest outside Bush's Crawford ranch is getting some welcome press attention, including CNN coverage. Bush's national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin even came out to talk to her for 45 minutes. From an AP report:
She said Hagin told her, "I want to assure you that he (Bush) really does care."

"And I said if he does care, why doesn't he come out and talk to me."
Interestingly, Bush has already met Sheehan. This twist from Rupert Murdoch's flagship paper in Australia:
Sheehan met with Bush a year ago, among 15 families expecting consoling words from the president.

"He acted like it was a party," she told CNN.

"We wanted to use the time for him to know that he killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity," Sheehan said.

"He didn't want to hear anything about Casey. He wouldn't even call him 'him' or 'he'. He called him 'your loved one'.

"Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject," Sheehan said.

... "Joe Hagin, the deputy chief of staff, said that, 'I can tell you the president really cares'. And I said, 'You can't tell me that because I've met with him and I know that he doesn't care'," she told CNN.
Uruknet has photos and is bloggign live from the scene:
Cindy Sheehan said after the media had left, "This is the beginning of the end of the occupation of Iraq." A wild round of applause followed.


Winter Patriot said...

Have you seen this yet?

Meeting With Bush Was 'Bizarre And Disgusting' by Greg Szymanski

Jaraparilla said...

That's an excellent link, WP. My Mum was saying the same thing about Australian PM John Howard the other day: even watching him on TV, he seems to no longer have a soul inside him.

To use some Bushspeak CEO-talk, WP, you are most certainly "adding value" to this blog. I fear I may have to "put you on the payroll" soon... How much is 5% of zilch???


PS: any other comments are welcome!

Winter Patriot said...

Thanks, Gandhi, for your kind words. But, really ... I can't take your money! ;-)


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