January 10, 2006

What the F*ck Is Happening At The Washington Post???

This article - 'Hearts and Minds' in Iraq - is the most repulsive, simplistic, apologetic piece of pro-Bush crap I have read in a very long time. The author, Reuel Marc Gerecht, is a self-confessed former CIA case officer and a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (aka Neo-con Central).

What's going on? Are the WaPo editors just giving these guys enough rope to hang themselves?

One suspects that all these people who once worked for those "covert and not-so-covert operations" in the Cold War have nothing meaningful to do these days, so they are mindlessly creating a whole new PsyOps "war" front all on their own. The tragedy is that, in the wake of the Cold War, there was a genuine chance for global peace (between real PEOPLE, not just governments). Old Cold War warriors like Rumsfeld and Cheney, however, were blind to the opportunity.

UPDATE: More on the WaPo's internal civil war from Media Matters:
In a post on her internal weblog, Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell has reportedly endorsed the practice of printing misleading -- even false -- Bush administration claims without including a word of rebuttal to those claims.
Mail the Washington Post ombudsman: ombudsman@washpost.com

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